Omega Speedmasters Replica Watches All The Way

There are many options, and a good part of the watch world is open to you. But realizing this was supposed to be the start of a watch line was relatively easy for me. There is only one watch I would consider collecting, and that is the Omega Speedmaster, preferring professional models. If it were allowed to start the collection with just one watch, it would be the best Omega 321 Speedmaster Replica I could find.

People collect dive watches, people collect pilot watches, people collect military watches. All of these have formed a specific direction. My collection is more precise; it contains only one type of watch. It could be a Rolex Submariner, a Breitling Aerotimer or a Cartier Tank, but in my case it’s an Omega Speedmaster.

The choice of the first Omega Replica Watches Swiss Movement is undoubtedly the easiest – a regular Omega Speedmaster Professional with a black garnet crystal and a steel caseback. I think any used standard Speedmaster Professional will do. Unfortunately, this won’t get you a 321 caliber, but most likely an 861 with a tritium dial and hands.

Why should I watch replica Speedmasters? Starting a series means – in addition to starting with these three models – that more Speedmasters are expected to follow. The older they are, the harder it is to find them, and generally they get more expensive. So I would start with the oldest on the budget, but make sure it has a tritium dial.

Well, let’s dive into history and see what happened when the first model of the Omega Speedmaster Fake Watches Ebay came to power. That’s right, Omega has launched the Mark II! In 1969, the Mark II became the second generation of the Omega Speedmaster Professional.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, it never became a big hit, but in my opinion it should be in any serious Speedmaster series. So this should be the next option. Reference 145.014 Speedmaster Mark II, with black or racing dial, offered by Omega from 1969 to circa 1976.

After the Cheap Omega Speedmaster Mark II Replica was not a huge success, Omega decided to introduce more Mark II models. The Mark III, Mark IV, and Mark V saw the light of day, and there was even a nickname for the Mark Four and a Half.

All rely on automatic movement. None of them signed “Pro,” and none were as popular as the original Speedmaster. As such, I wouldn’t be looking for one of these Mark models for the final pick of the baseline Speedmaster series. But what should the third Speedmaster in this three-watch entry series be?

The next big thing that happened with the Omega Replica Watch was the introduction of the X-33. Even though it is a battery powered quartz watch, the X-33 is considered professional and has a corresponding signature.

Known as the “Mars Watch,” the X-33 was designed for the possibility of a human landing on Mars. A five-year collaboration between Omega, the world’s major space agencies, the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds. The X-33 was and is worn on the space shuttle, the former Mir space station and the International Space Station.

So, there you have it – the start of the Omega Speedmaster Replica collection, containing three important watches in Omega Speedmaster history, and ready to expand.